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The event begins ready for the implementation of the new measure of levels of direct costs.


The A' phase of the aid measure is activated in the form of a subsidy of fixed costs for the expression of interest by companies, after the publication of JMD GDOU504 / 28.5.2021 (Government Gazette BD 2236) “Procedure for submitting an expression of interest for the temporary aid measure with form of fixed cost subsidy to companies financially affected by the outbreak and spread of coronavirus COVID-19, during the months of April to December 2020".

The purpose of the new regime is the subsidy of companies, through credit, which can be used until the end of the year, for the repayment of current tax debts or insurance contributions that become payable from 1.7.2021 to 31.12.2021, while eligible companies will be those cumulatively meet the following:

  • employed at least one (1) full-time employee or two (2) part-time employees on a part-time basis on 1 August 2020 or 28 October 2020 or 1 May 2021

  • belonged on 31 December 2020 to affected sectors as defined in the relevant JMC,

  • have submitted VAT and income tax returns,

  • are active and have started operations before 31 December 2020

  • are SMEs not subject to VAT or subject to and exempt or are subject to VAT regardless of size

  • were not already problematic in 2019, with the exception, however, of very small or small businesses.

In addition, it is recalled that, as announced on 11 March 2021, the scheme concerns loss-making companies with a turnover decline of at least 30% in 2020 compared to 2019. However, there will be a special provision for new businesses (start-up after 1st.1.2019) and the companies that recently acquired a branch (from 1.4.2019 to 31.12.2020), as well as for the KTEL.

The amount of support will be determined as a percentage of the difference between the fixed costs paid by the company and the aid received. In particular, fixed expenses will be the expenses paid by the company in 2020 for specific categories of expenses, as they are reflected in the form E3, such as employee benefits, insurance contributions, energy, water, telecommunications, rent, other operating expenses, interest and related costs.

The determination of the amount of aid, the intensity of aid, the ceilings and other details of implementation of the scheme will be determined by a new JMC (Phase B), after the completion of the expression of interest, based on the available budget of the program, which and estimated at EUR 500 million.

As already noted from the initial announcement of the measure, the beneficiaries are obliged to maintain on average the number of staff they employ, until 31 December 2021.

In this context, there are two steps that companies that want to join the new aid measure in the form of a fixed cost subsidy must follow from tomorrow, 31 May 2021:

  • To submit, by June 17, 2021, an application for expression of interest on the myBusinessSupport platform of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE).

  • Fill in the form E3, which can be finalized without the need to submit an income tax return for individuals and legal entities.


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