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From June 22, applications for the business grant program for the recruitment of 1000 people.


The Commander of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), invites private companies, and generally private sector employers who carry out regular economic activity throughout the country and wish to participate in the "Business Grant Program, for recruitment of 1,000 people, who are in a disadvantaged position and in a particularly disadvantaged position ", to submit electronically a vacancy order - statement of preference-application for condition control from 22-06-2021 at 9 am, on the OAED website www.oaed. gr, in the field of applications for the above program.

The aim of the program is to create 1,000 new, full-time jobs by hiring unemployed people who are at a disadvantage and particularly at a disadvantage. The program is aimed at private companies, Social and Solidarity Economy Institutions (KALO) and general employers of the private sector and carry out regular economic activity throughout the country.

PURPOSE The creation of 1,000 new full-time jobs in the private sector to recruit unemployed people who are at a disadvantage and particularly disadvantaged. BENEFICIARIES Businesses and private sector employers in general where the job creation represents a net increase in the number of their staff, compared to the average of the 12 months preceding the month in which they applied, and any recruitment aid they have received disadvantaged workers do not exceed EUR 5 million per year.

BENEFICIARIES Unemployed registered in the OAED register of unemployed who are in a disadvantaged and particularly disadvantaged position. The disadvantaged are the unemployed who: are registered in the OAED unemployment registers for 6 months or more or is 18-24 years old or - are compulsory education graduates and have not completed secondary education or attended vocational training, or is over 50 years old or - live alone, with the care of one or more dependent members.

The most disadvantaged are the unemployed who: are registered in the OAED registers for 24 months or more or - are registered in the registers of OAED for 12 months or more and belong to one of the categories of persons "at a disadvantage".

DURATION AND AMOUNTS OF GRANT The program lasts 12 months (+12 months for the unemployed who are in a particularly disadvantaged position) and the grant amounts to 50% of the monthly salary and non-salary costs up to 750 euros per month.

PROCEDURE - The beneficiaries submit an application form and a vacancy order electronically and determine the specialty and the educational level of the position - OAED confirms that the beneficiary meets the conditions - OAED employment advisers nominate candidates to the beneficiary according to the required qualifications for the vacancy, in order of priority based on the number of months of long-term unemployment - The beneficiary chooses from among the candidates and hires the unemployed


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