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Extension of applications of tourist and ferry companies in the OAED social tourism program.


The deadline for submitting applications for the participation of tourist accommodation and ferry companies for the Social Tourism Program OAED 2021-22 is extended until Thursday, June 24 at 23:59. As an additional incentive to participate, for the first time the accommodation subsidy is increased by 20% in August, in order to have even greater business support and increased availability during the "peak" of the holiday season, while the repayment of the program providers is accelerated, as implement a new electronic procedure for submitting supporting documents and payment.

It is noted that a total of 353,540 applications were submitted by beneficiaries for 648,369 checks, while so far 1,689 applications have been submitted for the participation of tourism and shipping companies. A total of 300,000 checks will be granted with a total budget of € 30,000,000. The program lasts from August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022 for holidays in tourist accommodation of the Register of Providers of OAED. The maximum duration of nights is 6 nights with little private participation, while in the islands of Kos, Leros, Lesvos, Samos, Chios and in the Prefecture of Evros the maximum duration of nights is 10 nights with zero private participation.

The submission of providers' applications is done exclusively through the Unified Digital Portal of the Greek State with TAXISnet or OAED codes at the address:

Specifically, the route will be: ργ Work and insurance → Compensation and benefits → Social tourism providers Providers of the program are tourist accommodation and ferry companies, as defined by the Public Invitation. For more information, interested parties can visit the website


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